Guess where Sir Walter Raleigh will be on January 1st?


Thanks for coming out last week to our open house. The weather was frightful, but the event was delightful. Despite the rain, we had a good crowd. I'd show you pictures, but in the end, I couldn't hang. A week after surgery, I couldn't find a comfortable perch, so I had my husband take me home. He went back to help customers and my artist guests.

Going into the New Year, my portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh will be on the cover of January's Walther Magazine, and I'll be the featured artist. The magazine hits the stands on New Year’s Day. I’ll have a show of new work up in February at Rebus Works Cafe and Grocery; if you haven't been, it's a fun venue. 

Do you know anyone building or remodeling that needs a backsplash, fireplace surround, or outdoor kitchen? Help them turn from commercial to personal by sending them my way. We’ll both be sure to thank you!

In this season of love and giving, thank you for your support this year. All the notes that wished me well warmed my heart and speeded recovery. I wish you a joyful Christmas and a healthy, prosperous New Year.

Raleigh centric flora and fauna backsplash with daisies, zinnias, oak tree, cardinals, and dogwood tree.

Raleigh centric flora and fauna backsplash with daisies, zinnias, oak tree, cardinals, and dogwood tree.

Coneflowers, blanket flowers, thistle, a fence made of tree limbs and razor wire, with a big open sky, featuring a scissor-tailed flycatcher

Black eyed Susans, echinacea, a few bees, and a monarch butterfly make a cheery ceramic mural that brightens this light filled kitchen.

Cheerful and glowing under the moonlight, this night sky mural with black-eyed susans, echinacea, a few bees, and a monarch butterfly creates a cheery ceramic piece that brightens this light-filled kitchen.