How to Connect Feng Shui, Color, and Light for a Better Life


Mirrors are the aspirin of Feng Shui. –unknown

A little lobster shack in Yarmouth, Maine.

A little lobster shack in Yarmouth, Maine.

I don't spend lots of time on social media. But on Sunday mornings, I make an exception and let myself go down a rabbit hole; I want to spend more time lying in bed. I like Instagram. When I started using it, I was careful to follow folks who make me feel good. When I open the app, I'm greeted with images my sleepy, happy self is delighted to see.

Last week I mentioned my artist group. One is a painter named Bobbi Heath. She's been tooling around Maine's waterways on a motorboat for the previous week or so, the lucky woman that she is. Yes, I am envious. When I opened the app on Sunday morning, I was welcomed by a clip of Maine scenery in which the colors are stunningly luscious, posted by Bobbi. That got me thinking about light and color, then about color and energy, which led me to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is like acupuncture for your home; just as meridians of energy flow through your body, they also flow through your home. A few bare basics are:No clutter, old items, or ones that no longer bring joy or block good energy.

Flowers, in pottery vases, are another easy way to enhance your flow, they are living chi. Put flowers on the right side of the bed, to attract and keep love.

Flowers, in pottery vases, are another easy way to enhance your flow, they are living chi. Put flowers on the right side of the bed, to attract and keep love.

Fresh air and light are essential to chi, the universal life energy that flows around and through the body.

Pay attention to the trinity of three, the bedroom, bath, and kitchen, rooms essential to your well-being.

The five elements of feng shui are fire, earth, metal, wood, and water.

Color is the easiest way to create good feng shui.

  • Wood: Green and Brown

  • Fire: Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink

  • Earth: Light Yellow, Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown

  • Metal: White, Gray

  • Water: Blue, Black

There's much to this practice; if you have the time and interest, I encourage you to research. 

Light is used to cure many ills in feng shui. A pottery table lamp can add the elements of earth and fire to a dark corner.

Light is used to cure many ills in feng shui. A pottery table lamp can add the elements of earth and fire to a dark corner.

What the lobster shack image brought together for me is what light, color, and feng shui all have in common. Good feeling energy. Feng Shui creates it by letting our chi move freely. Color-like music nourishes and uplifts, the more colors you harmoniously absorb, the better you feel. Light is a nutrient. Possibly the most powerful, and it's been called the medicine of the future. I lit up from the inside out when I saw Bobbi's post this morning; there was something so magical about the light. Light is the only energy we can see: candlelight, flashlight, fire, electric bulbs, stars, and moon. Each source changes the color around us, creating moods or setting tones.

I'm encouraging you to open up to the child within and feed yourself an abundance of color. No kid ever said, "I love beige." Nope, not ever. When I sat down to dinner Sunday evening, my husband served me a dinner of steak, sweet potato, and a selection of grilled broccoli, red and yellow peppers, and onions. It was the perfect end to my day of color, light, and life.