Is an Idea Stuck in Your Head?


The one in mine was the color combination of purple, orange, and green. Put there by a friend, when I asked what colors she liked. I thought, "Really?". I was surprised that hot pink wasn't on her list. Then I couldn't stop seeing it. A garden classic combo. My solution was to explore it in my work. Now it's on the clay and not in my head. Being the week of the 4th, I'm calling it, Purple Mountains Majesty.

Purple Mountains Majesty, 11” x 54” - Art Tile Tryptic, by Marina Bosetti

Not the creative process type? Here are some ideas for unsticking unwanted thoughts from your head:

  • Want to rid yourself of a negative thought?
    -Focus on an activity. It takes five minutes to distract your mind.
    -Spend a few minutes focusing on your breath.
    -Write out the case for why the thought is or isn’t true.

  • Got an earworm?
    -Chew some gum.
    -Listen to the whole song or another song.
    -Turn on talk radio.

  • An overwhelming to-do list?
    -List the activities.
    -Prioritize them in order of importance or relationship.
    -Decide how much time each item will need and schedule it on your calendar. Then do it.

The idea I like the best is, write out the case for why a though is or isn't true. Debunking how the thought got in your head is the easiest way to be rid of it for good. It also uses the creative process.